
Happy 5 Year Work Anniversary Dr. Sam!

Happy work Anniversary Dr. Sam!! We can’t believe it has already been 5 years working with you at Australia Dental Burpengary! Time really flies when you’re having fun! Thank you for all your hard work and amazing Dentistry!! If you are needing to book your appointment with Dr. Sam, please click the link: BOOK NOW Or […] Read more

Feb, 07, 2023



Caring for your child’s teeth

As we get closer to the new school year and perhaps your little ones enrolled into the early learning environment, parents may start to wonder how we can be on top of our children’s oral hygiene. Here is a guide taken from the Australian Dental Association (ADA).

                           Clean your baby’s teeth and gums twice                           
a day, after breakfast and before bed
● Start cleaning your baby’s teeth from
the time they first appear (around 6-12
months of age)
● Use a soft, damp cloth to begin with
then move to a small, soft children’s
toothbrush, to clean all surfaces of the
● Don’t use toothpaste before your baby
is 18 months of age unless directed by
your dental practitioner
● Take your baby to see the dentist when
their first tooth appears, or by their first
Guard Against Early Decay
● Early decay is caused by frequent
exposure to sugary drinks and foods
including fruit juices, flavoured yoghurts
and dried fruits
● Don’t let your baby fall asleep with a
bottle of milk, formula or juice in their
● Replace bottles with a cup from 12
months of age
● Tap water should be the only drink in
bottles and sippy cups except at meal
feed times
Teething TIPS
● Baby teeth usually start to appear
between 6 to 12 months of age
● Relieve tender gums with chilled (but
not frozen) teething rings, washcloths
or dummies, or gently rub your baby’s
gums with a clean finger

Cleaning your toddler’s & preschoolers teeth 

Help your child brush and floss their
teeth until they are eight years old.
● Make tap water your child’s usual
drink. Most of QLD’s tap water
contains flouride, which helps to
protect against tooth decay
● Avoid giving children frequent snacks,
especially sugary foods and drinks,
between meals
● Limit snacks to two healthy choices
per day of foods such as fresh fruit,
vegetable sticks and low-fat cheese
● Take your child with you to the dentist
for a check-up at least once a year
● Baby teeth are important – care for
them as you’d care for your child’s
permanent teeth
● Once your child is complaint with
using a toothbrush, start to implement
flossing into their routine
● Change your child’s toothbrush after
each illness, once the bristles become
shaggy or every 3 months, whichever
occurs first

How to brush your child’s teeth?
● Brush for two minutes twice a day,
after breakfast and before bed
● From 18 months, use a pea-sized
amount of low-fluoride children’s
toothpaste on a toothbrush with soft
● Brush every tooth all the way to the
● Use a gentle, circular motion to brush
every surface of every tooth
● Start with brushing the outside
surfaces (the ones that show when
you smile) and the inside surfaces
(the ones facing towards the back of
the mouth)
● Gently scrub the chewing surfaces of
the top and bottom teeth
● Take care that your child spits
out the toothpaste and does not
swallow it
● Don’t rinse the mouth after brushing
● Don’t let your child eat or lick
toothpaste from the tube

Halloween Teeth Aftercare

It has been a few weeks since Halloween.

The ADB team bets there is a lot of left over candy & chocolate treats.

Chances are your children have been feasting on them every day since and the sugar rush must be driving you crazy.

Tooth scary story

Like a spooky ghost story, Halloween lollies & treats haunt our teeth. We all know eating too many treats can lead to tooth decay.

Did you know what happens right after eating or drinking it sugary treats?.

Our mouth becomes home for several hundred different types of bacteria, and we could have thousands or millions of them living on the surface of each tooth. Most of these are actually good bacteria that help prevent diseases.

These good bacteria are like soldiers on a battlefield, ever ready to fight against disease-producing germs that try to come through our mouth. They’re our first line of defence against harmful microbes that may try to attack our immune system.

Spooky enough, bad bacteria are also present in our mouth. Bad bacteria turns carbohydrates into acids and enzymes. The ugly truth about acids and enzymes is that they dissolve the tooth enamel. Causing tooth decay.

Over time, they filter into the tooth destroying the bone holding it in place, resulting in pain, infection, and ultimately potential tooth loss.

How to prevent tooth decay and loss

Consuming food and drinks that are low in sugar promotes good oral health.

Most children do love cakes, lollies, chocolate and ice creams, right? Sugary treats are okay from time to time and in moderation.

Here are some ADB tips to keep your children’s teeth strong, healthy and decay prevention:

  • Floss regularly between your teeth to remove plaque
  • Avoid eating & drinking treats after brushing your teeth at night (bacterial acid attack will last overnight)
  • Brush teeth regularly using toothpaste with fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay
  • Drink water after consuming sugary foods

Remember to visit the Australia Dental Burpengary team regularly, to check for tooth decay, deep cleaning and fillings.

Keeping on top of good oral hygiene during and after celebrating events like Halloween, is the key to keeping away and the forming bacteria away.

Oral Health Care-With the Australia Dental Burpengary team

Good oral health (Dental health) is critical to our overall health and wellbeing.

Without it, our general quality of life and the ability to :

  • Speak
  • Eat
  • Socialise

is compromised.

Often resulting in the cause of dental pain & discomfort.

Did you know?:

Oral health refers to the condition of your teeth and gums.

Poor oral health includes: tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss

What contributes to poor oral health?

Many factors contribute to poor oral health.

These include:

  • consumption of tobacco, sugars & Alcohol.
  • your diet
  •  lack of regular dental check-ups
  • a lack of good oral hygiene

It is recommended that we see a dentist every 6 months.

During a check up treatment the Dentist will do a review of your teeth, & a clean is encouraged.

The check up will allow your dentist to find early signs of dental concerns.

Why is a Dental clean (removal of Plaque & calculus) important?

  • removal of stains that dull and discolour your teeth
  • removal of the plaque which causes dental disease
  • prevention of gum disease, which leads to early tooth loss


By having regular check-ups and dental cleanings, this will help to prevent and resolve persistent bad breath

To have your teeth checked & cleaned contact Australia Dental Burpengary on: 07 3888 9125

or alternatively you can make your booking online with our link :


ADB new clinic in Burpengary

The ADB team have had a busy past month preparing for our big move. We completed our move over the past week. You do no realise how many belongings you have, until you move. All of the Australia Dental team helped with the packing and unpacking for our new clinic. Toofus is loving his new […] Read more

We are moving to a new clinic-Australia Dental Burpengary is moving to a new location in September 2022

The Australia Dental Burpengary team are moving.

We are excited to announce we are not moving far, and we will still be in Burpengary.

Only minutes away from our current location but with a Big, Fresh and Brand new clinic to welcome all of our current and new patients.

Our new address is:

Shop 3/ 13 Northshore Drive, Burpengary, QLD 4505

Our last day at our current location of:

3,23 Progress road Burpengary

will be Wednesday the 14th of September 2022.

The ADB team will continue to update all of our patients on our start date at our new clinic.

We are looking forward to sharing this new clinic with all of our

Australia Dental Burpengary patients.

To make a new appointment call the ADB team today on:

07 3888 9125, or alternatively you can still book online with our website.

How to Love your Teeth-For Dental Health Week

Here at ADB we love teeth so much we want to share as much information about how to look after your teeth, with our patients & the community. Did you know that everything we drink & eat, has a major after effect on your Teeth and gum health? Unfortunately tooth decay is a diet related […] Read more

Brushing Your Teeth

It is recommended that we should be brushing our teeth at lease twice per day. Teeth brushing should be done in the morning, and again at night for at least two minutes each time.
Brushing your teeth at night should be the last thing you do before bed, with no food or drink after brushing. So be sure that you have eaten all of your dinner, before brushing your teeth.
Try and reach those tricky areas with your brush.
Research has shown that on average in 2 minutes of brushing, only 42% of dental plaque has been removed.
Making brushing our teeth very important.

Following the same oral health routine steps each time you brush, can help ensure your teeth that are cleaned every time that you brush.
Try not use too much pressure when brushing your pearly whites. As this may cause damage to your teeth. .

How should I brush my teeth?
Tilt your toothbrush to a 45-degree angle so that you brush your gums as well. Brush your teeth gently in circles and make sure you brush the inside, outside and the chewing surfaces of your teeth. Spit out the toothpaste, don’t swallow it and avoid rinsing — this gives the fluoride more time to strengthen your teeth. Ideally, wait around 30 minutes after eating and drinking to brush your teeth.

If you or your family have trouble using a manual toothbrush, you may consider purchasing an electronic toothbrush.

Otherwise if  you are unsure of which type of brush will be best suited,  your dentist can help you at your next appointment.

For any Oral health queries or concerns please don’t hesitater to contact our friendly team.

Contact Us

Don’t forget to floss

As it becomes cooler and we start eating more soups, we may forget to keep up a very important step when we brush our teeth. Even though soups are liquid we should not stop flossing. It is recommended to Floss your teeth once a day, prior to brushing. When flossing, take care not to damage […] Read more


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